Entering a New Era: The Transition from ICCF to KMA

The future of Kingdom advancement is here! With great excitement, we are stepping into a new era as International Covenant Connections Fellowship (ICCF) evolves into Kingdom Ministry Affiliation (KMA). This shift isn’t just a name change; it’s a transformation in vision, resources, and opportunities designed to equip and empower ministries, churches, and leaders for greater impact in the kingdom of God.

A Broader Vision for Kingdom Ministry

In ICCF, we focused on providing leadership resources and fostering covenant connections. While leadership remains a core part of our mission, KMA brings a fresh wave of expansion in services and support for ministers, churches, and kingdom-minded individuals.

Our transition into KMA is driven by a desire to offer more than just spiritual oversight—we’re stepping into the role of equipping our members for success in every area of ministry. While some of these new resources will roll out over time, here are the exciting initiatives we plan to introduce:

Kingdom Ministry Affiliation (KMA) Launch Updates

To Be Rolled Out in the Near Future:

  1. Kingdom Ministry Magazine – Stay connected and inspired through our upcoming quarterly magazine, filled with articles, testimonials, and ministry updates.

  2. Partnership/Membership – A new structure for those looking to affiliate with us, offering deeper connection and access to all that KMA provides.

  3. Licensing & Ordination – Expanding our licensing and ordination programs to strengthen ministers with accountability and mentorship.

  4. Quarterly Meetings/Conferences – Dynamic gatherings filled with Holy Spirit-led teaching, worship, and networking opportunities.

  5. Regular Personal Contact – Consistent, personalized communication to keep you connected and informed about your growth and kingdom impact.

  6. Website Enhancements – Our website is getting a complete makeover, providing you with user-friendly access to resources, event updates, and more.

  7. Holy Ghost Weekends – Spirit-filled encounters starting at Area Directors’ churches, designed to ignite and refresh the fire of God’s presence.

  8. Monthly Zoom Calls – These will keep us connected globally, offering leadership insight, training, and prayer for KMA members.

Resources for Your Ministry Growth

As we roll out these new features, our commitment is to provide both spiritual and practical resources that help ministries thrive. Whether it’s leadership training or church growth strategies, KMA aims to equip you to build lasting impact. Here’s what’s on the horizon:

  • Free Church Health Assessment – A tool that will help churches assess their health and growth potential.
  • Senior Ministers Advance – An exclusive program to support those who have been laboring in ministry for years.
  • Supply Work – We aim to connect ministers to temporary pastoral assignments or ministry projects.
  • CPA/Lawyers/Christian Counselors – Access to trusted professionals to help you navigate financial, legal, and personal challenges.
  • Access to Pre-Made SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) – Streamline your ministry’s operations with ready-to-use SOPs that cover essential functions.

Expanding Leadership and Training Opportunities

The heart of KMA is equipping leaders for kingdom influence. Through these new services, we’ll ensure that our leaders and their teams are well-prepared for the unique challenges they face:

  • Leadership & Church Growth Training – Comprehensive training programs to develop effective leaders and equip churches for sustainable growth.
  • Media Training – Prepare to share your ministry through digital platforms with excellence.
  • Area Meetings – Local gatherings to foster collaboration and regional impact.
  • Organized Teaching Playlists – Curated teaching and worship playlists to inspire and feed your spirit.

Supporting the Whole Body of Christ

KMA is dedicated to supporting all members of the Body of Christ, with special emphasis on areas that have often been underserved in ministry:

  • Support for Women in Ministry – Resources, mentorship, and community to strengthen and empower women called to leadership roles.
  • Safe Harbor Questions/Community – A space for ministers to ask tough questions and receive wise counsel without judgment.
  • Travel Discounts – Exclusive discounts for ministry-related travel.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward into this new era, we are excited about what God will accomplish through Kingdom Ministry Affiliation. We invite you to join us on this journey of expansion, growth, and increased anointing. Together, we will see the Kingdom of God advance through deeper connections, greater support, and an unwavering commitment to fulfilling His calling.

Stay tuned for updates as we continue to roll out these incredible resources. KMA is ready to equip you for the next season of your ministry!